Monday, January 9, 2012

Names Of AS/400 Through The Years

Whats in Name Jargon
If you're confused about all the server and operating system name changes from System/38 to IBM Power Systems, you're not alone. Here's a quick snapshot of the server and operating system names through the years.

1979System/38The IBM System/38 is introduced as a mid-range computer for general business and departmental use.System/38The server uses an object-based operating system (OS). The OS has undergone numerous name changes, paralleling the server’s rebranding.
1988AS/400 (Application System/400)The System/38 is replaced by the AS/400 mid-range computer. The AS/400 platform extends the System/38 architecture of an object-based system by adding an integrated, DB2, relational database. Its virtual machine and single-level storage concepts establish the platform as an advanced business computer.
Initially, the OS is called OS/400.
2000iSeriesThe AS/400 is rebranded as the eServer iSeries for IBM's new eServer initiative.i5/OSWith the introduction of the eServer i5 servers featuring POWER5 processors, the OS becomes known as i5/OS.
2006System iThe iSeries is renamed the IBM System i.i5The OS becomes known as i5.
2008IBM Power SystemsThe IBM System i is replaced by the IBM Power Systems line as IBM announces its integration with the System p platform. The unified product line is called IBM Power Systems and supports the IBM i, AIX (UNIX), and Linux operating systems.
Coinciding with the 6.1 release, the OS is called IBM i.
It offers a built-in database (DBMS [DB2/400]), a menu-driven interface, multi-user and dumb terminal (IBM 5250) support, printers, security, and communications. It also offers Web-based applications, which can be executed inside the IBM WebSphere application server (optional), or in PHP/MySQL using the Apache Web server.
Everything is a file in UNIX systems. Everything is an object on the System i. IBM i now offers UNIX-like file directories using the Integrated File System (IFS) and Java compatibility through the Java virtual machine.


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